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January 25, 2007

Saulo and Xande


Saulo's New Academy

Saulo Ribeiro has a new academy in San Diego. Check out the pics and article on ADCC News.

Total JJ wishes Saulo best of luck on his new school.

January 22, 2007

Royler in ADCC

This is one of my favorite Royler matches. He is relentless in his attacks throughout this match. The footage is from an early ADCC tournament (1999?), and his opponent in Juan Valles. Enjoy!

January 15, 2007

New Belts at TotalJJ

The Rosendo Diaz seminar this weekend was a great success.

Rosendo showed some great technique from the half-guard, and gave out some well deserved promotions.

Total JJ's youngest student Dean Katris was awarded his yellow belt, Adrian Williams and Jim Katris received their blue belts, and Bruce Bergeron and Chad Gabrich are now wearing purple belts.

In addition to the Total JJ promotions, Gavin Enck was promoted to Brown Belt. Gavin is a student of Rosendo's, but is temporarily living in Ohio completing some post-graduate work.

Congratulations to all that were promoted, and thanks again to Rosendo for a great workshop.

Workshop Photos

January 10, 2007

Helio Gracie

Gracie Magazine has started an excellent series detailing the life of Royler's father Helio.

Check it out here.

January 04, 2007

Royler's New Book

Royler and his father Helio Gracie have written a new book call Gracie Submission essentials.

Check it out at BjjMart.

Rosendo Diaz Workshops

Rosendo Diaz will be visiting Total Jiu-Jitsu Saturday, January 13th at 1 PM. Rosendo will be conducting two-two hour workshops, and will cover bjj with and with-out the gi, self-defense, and NHB.

Workshop #1 will begin at 1 PM and will run until 3 PM.

Workshop #2 will begin at 4 PM and will last until 6 PM.

For cost information and to reserve your spot contact Jason via email, or call 574-514-1875.